本帖最后由 杲杲 于 2023-3-5 22:01 编辑
this lecture elaborates on the topic of 1 which would involve 2
firstly, they have mentioned 3 and 4 related to 5 and 6 due to 7 and 8
secondly, they have mentioned 9 and 10 while elaborating on 11 and 12
therefore, the underlying issues of 13 can be proved by 14 and 15
S1:本讲座详细阐述了1的主题,而这涉及到2。 S2:首先,他们提到了3和4,由于7和8而与5和6相关。 S3:其次,他们在阐述11和12的同时提到了9和10。 S4:因此,13的基本问题可以被14和15证明。
1.尽量从录音出听出包含“主题词”+名词或名词词组的15个关键词填入模板。 (名词词组最 e. g. human activities/climate change/the development of thesector,etc. ) 2.如果听到的不是名词,而是动+名的动宾结构,可以调整为“动名词”再填入模板。 (例如听到的是change the environment-> A changing the environment) 3.如果听到的单词不够填10个空,可以重复使用“主题词” 4.纯模板(包含浅灰色)共40字;如果最后全文超出70字,可以选择某浅灰色斜体的段落进行删
1 Stage1: vibrational energy coming from your ear, hitting youreardrum. Stage 2:a vibration into the fluid Stage 3: physical motion Stage4 electrical signal
2 Biology provides profound insights-> all creature similar and related 1: DNA/RNA store and transmit genetic and inherited info 2: cells fundamental building blocks 3: metabolism similar basic chemistry 3 Human tell - what to do and how to do - computer People- give certain words- -it will--operate as programmed and develop systems and symbols -it works by-- analyze message into bytes -similar- human brainfunction -> system processors -Thus - computer have the potential to achieve artificialintelligence. 4 起因: kicked out by a museum guard - kidstoo noisy 经过: wrote report on the guardian; 500emails same story 结果: family friendly museum 5 Intro: human rights in english to the world Explan: the human rights art and the European Convention are very significant to have the human rights. Ex : human rights= positive :a right to ( security, free trial, freeelection) +negative: free from( torture. Slavery. Discrimination) Conc: baseline to human rights. 6industrial revolution British economist: nation's wealth= money ppl pile up Adam smith : nation' wealth= agriculture + manufacture=nationalincome=national output. 7 Pragmatism democracy willtempering Market economy 问题出现:inductiral revolution--working classes 解决问题: worst behaviors 好的结果: damagereversed--- wider benefit nowadays. 8 skeptical what makes people happy ( survey) Consistent pattern: income; marital; employment External variables: equality; living environment;original living 9 糖分存在于很多我们意想不到的食物当中sugars exist in lot of food that we don't expect 花生酱 peanut butter; 成分显示糖排第二 炖牛肉 beef stew, 广告只提土豆和胡萝卜不提糖。 10 介绍背景:british has the longest tradition ofchildren literature, BUT people fail to realize 重要性:Cultural resources for Adults, Culturalwork for Children 解释原因:Children learn vovabulary and Know theworlds Directly 11 环境治疗法therapeutic environment 解释: 1.fresh air; 2.sunlight 3.architecture对病人的康复有帮助 作用:可以帮助病人1. rest and sleep well 2. release stressand pain 数据支撑:90%的护士赞同 12 Lost childhood 过去:work at an earlyage; staying around streets. 现在:commercials;changing aspects of gender Reason changes of society 13 shrinking Newspaper Industry Existence: online-only; disappeared Staffs: dropped by 30-40% Publishers: insufficient cash flows 14 ADS automated Driving System 优点:安全safer,省油fuel-efficient (Human intervention under specific circumstances) Level3:without hands but eyes, with More Acceptable Level4: neither hands or eyes, for example, googlecar 15 Nonhuman Rights Project--fights for legal rights for nonhumananimals Chimpanzees also have cognitive capacities, buteven thought they have cognitive skills, they are not human. Release the chimpanzee named Tommy which lockedfor research 16 the constitution Divide into Legislative (checks) executive(balances) Judicial Exp: make Laws; (Presidents) carry out Laws;Interpret Laws Now: blurry line in the past 100 years 17 fight or flight is the role of emotion FFR和情绪的关系:Basic emotion- signal-Self-preservation and safety 步骤:Primitivereaction part of the brain- other parts of the brain-our body- signal So, Fight or Flight are physiological response torun away and fight 18 3 ways to use& interpret NEED Objective(essential): the plant needs water Psychological Use( with lack of something) Strong Desire( not basic): I need a holiday 19 stress Not bad: motivation to exam -> I can Finite: balance-> have a calendar 20 global village Globalization: 1.More communication thought internet 2.Communicate in a fast speed and in a shortdistance De-traditionalization Rejecting cultural and conventions Erosion of traditional culture Mimicking模仿 Hollywood models 21 New type of ordinary video Internet 产生巨大影响 Journalism News->produced and consumed goods 有两个原因 加快了新闻传播速度 增加了新闻获取渠道 23 Thebest Manager Should read more books & go back to university to improvethemselves 管理学家(A professor in management) with broadperspectives, but not only knows his organization Management knowledge, not necessary for experience 24 Moral objectivism客观主义 Universal moral principles普适性 ALL people social environment Moral absolutism绝对主义 Absolute boundary between right and wrong NOT subject interpretations situations
3. SST 很简单!别怕!不用背全部关键词! [氛围感R]我觉得上来就背关键词我觉得很容易金鱼记忆所以我采用[氛围感R]“一听二套三关键词”的战略 [氛围感R]听听原文(不用全听,听几个试试看就行,具体方法可以直接搜SST套模板或者SST方法,有大神现场教学) [氛围感R]套 套模板 加上自己听到的关键词组成内容 检查语法 提交(基本内容就扣0.1-1分 扣0.5分以上记关键词就行 更高效) [氛围感R]记不会的题目的关键词(比如三权分立,大猩猩的拼写可能比较容易错,具体我的笔记在图上了)